
IMG_0984I was always an arty kid, but also one who loved numbers. I’m still an arty kid who loves numbers. My paintings are a reflection of my love of the beauty of geometry, particularly circles and radial symmetry. Pictures of my paintings are posted on the “portfolio” page of this website.

I also dabble in photography, particularly while I travel and hike. I’ve posted some of my travel pictures on the travel pages, and I’ve written about hiking and posted pictures on the “hikes” page (though I fail miserably in keeping it up to date).

I moved to the New River Valley in 2011, mostly because I wanted to live in the mountains. It’s wonderful to live in an area that is not only beautiful but also has such a strong arts community.

Contact me at artist@ipaintmath.com.

Photo (c) 2019 D. Atwater. All rights reserved.

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